1,201 products have been scored by the French Repairability Index. Smartphones are the product category for which more products have been scored, obtaining very variable scoring results.

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Title: Number of items listed on the French repairability index

Status: Signal

Coverage: France, 2021

Source: Indice de réparabilité, 2022

The chart presents the number of products that have been scored according to the French repairability Index — as compiled by a private website, l’indice de reparabilite

in 2021, which shows a total of 1,201. Data reflect the initial coverage of categories of electrical and electronic products, ordered by the number of scored products within each product category: smartphones, front-loading washing machines, electric lawn mowers, televisions and laptop. While no database compiling all scorings has been made available, the same website displays the scoring by product. The highest and lowest scorings by product category were (as of January 2022, and ordered by the highest scoring): laptops (3.5 to 9.8); smartphones (1 to 9.6); electric lawn mowers (4.9 to 9.5); front-loading washing machines (5.6 to 8.7); and televisions (3.2 to 8.5). As annual data is not yet available, trends across time cannot be presented. Monitoring of repair will benefit from official data series on both the number and the scoring of products, as well as expanding labelling obligations to other product categories.

Repairing damaged products instead of discarding them (and buying new ones) is one of the key R-strategies (i.e. inner parts of the circular economy), as it could lead to substantial savings of material resources. The EU 2020 Circular Economy Action Plan commits to revise EU policies to ensure consumers receive trustworthy and relevant information on purchased products (e.g. lifespan and availability of repair services, spare parts and repair manuals).

The French reparability index aims to better inform consumers about the potential repairability of products, with the aim of increasing repair, thus, reducing waste. The index is based on a scoring that considers five repairability criteriaand is to be displayed in shops, as established by the 2020 French law on the fight against waste and for the circular economy. These data can inform about how many products are scored by this index and how well they score.


The French Reparability Index scores the potential reparability of electric and electronic products according to five repairability criteria. It was established by the 2020 French law on the fight against waste and for the circular economy. The repairability index is designed to be a mandatory label to be displayed on products at the point of sale. Data displayed here refers to the number of products that have been scored according to the index, for five product categories.


A score is given by the appliance manufacturer on each of the criteria according to the scoring grids defined by the Ministry of Ecological Transition. The final repairability index score is an average of the criteria represented by a score ranging from 0 to 10. The five repairability criteria are: 1) availability of technical documentation; 2) ease of disassembly of the product, the type of tools required and the characteristics of the fasteners; 3) availability of spare parts; 4) price of spare parts; and 5) other criteria specific to the product category concerned. See https://www.ecologie.gouv.fr/indice-reparabilite.


  • Source: https://www.indicereparabilite.fr (accessed January 2022)

  • Unit: Number of products.

  • Temporal coverage: since 2021.

  • Geographic coverage: France.